
Arrow Down

15 minute Discovery Call. 1 hour in-person consultation is free if you book a session with me, which are $55/hour.

Is there a certifying body for professional organizers?

Arrow Down

Yes! There’s an entire organization devoted to professional organizer jobs and education.  NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing) is a national association with over 3,500 members worldwide. It’s dedicated to providing education and professional development for organization and productivity professionals. Professional organizers who join NAPO have access to courses, community, and a national conference, where they update their industry knowledge. NAPO professional organizers are committed to helping people bring order to their lives, and they pledge to a Code of Ethics that maintains professional integrity and client confidentiality.

Does the organizer work alone or with the client?

Arrow Down

The client and organizer work together as a team. (See the Process section of Decluttering & Organizing for more detail) The organizer uses their expertise and objective perspective to guide solutions for the short and long term.

Will I have to get rid of “stuff”?

Arrow Down

To reshape areas for better function and efficiency, it’s often necessary to get rid of some things, which isn’t always easy. Professional organizers tackle the challenge of decluttering by asking non-judgmental questions and providing honest feedback. They know how to get to the root of why some possessions remain untouched and can help a person decide how different types of belongings relate to home organization goals. For unwanted belongings, professional organizers can assist in planning the disposal, recycling, or donation. After decluttering, professional organizers sort and make the best use of spaces.

Who needs a professional organizer?

Arrow Down

Anyone can benefit from the fresh eyes and skills of an organizer.  We can all go through periods of feeling indecisive, overwhelmed, or time pressured. In addition, specific situations may prompt a need for the services of a declutterer organizer: moving, staging & selling a home, awaiting a baby’s arrival, unpacking, clearing space for a renovation or addition, parties, airbnb rental, making a home office, rearranging & efficiency update of an office or classroom, etc.  These are all ideal opportunities to use a professional organizer. Investing in a professional organizer commits to a solution for actually getting things done, rather than just thinking about doing things and having negative feelings. The value of the investment is well worth it.

My place is so overwhelming. I don’t know where to start…and I’m embarrassed.

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Start by contacting me!  I look forward to helping you!  I’ll be right beside you as your helper and coach.  I applaud you for wanting to improve your space, and most importantly, your life. I am here to help you, without judgment, and we’ll have some fun doing it!


Arrow Down

Yes, I am fully insured.

How does decluttering & organizing help a person’s physical and mental health?

Arrow Down

Cluttered environments drain energy and lead to reduced productivity, stress, anxiety, and procrastination. The brain tends to favor order, reducing the competition for attention and mental load. Actively organizing & decluttering, helps relax the mind. It boosts mood, provides a sense of accomplishment and pride, and lifts a heavy burden. The work of decluttering and organizing brings a relaxed sense of calm, lowers cortisol levels, and makes a person feel more in control.

How can a professional organizer affect my time, money, and happiness?

Arrow Down

A more organized home is a more productive and efficient home. When rooms and spaces function the way they’re expected to, it actually allows us to get more done in less time—and time is money.  Buying similar items over and over again because we can’t find it—that costs money and time. Items that are easy to find and access makes processes smoother.  Clients also note an increase in pride and self-image regarding themselves and their space.  They may feel like once again inviting friends or clients in rather than spending more money going out. Professional organizers seek out opportunities to smooth processes in clients’ daily lives. Freeing up time & energy to spend on what matters most in life invites happiness.

What happens to my “stuff”?

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That’s up to you.  I provide guidance, encouragement and make suggestions, but the ultimate decisions are yours: what to keep, where to keep, and where to dispose or donate items. Depending on the type and quantity of items and location of the donation center, transporting your items can be accomplished by you, me, a combination of both, or a hauling service. However, I do encourage moving those items out of your space while I’m there.

How long are the sessions?

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The length of each session usually varies from between 4 and 6 hours. Generally, there is a 4 hour minimum per session, as experience has taught me that this amount of time is required to make real progress. Together we’ll determine what length session works best for you.

How many sessions will I need?

Arrow Down

There are many variables in each organizing project: amount of “stuff”, space size, decision-making speed, your willingness to purge/declutter, time you spend on the process outside of our sessions, the organizing products you may need. Ultimately, the pace is set by you. Things often start off a bit more slowly, but as you get more comfortable making decisions and learning techniques, the pace increases.

Do I need to prepare for the sessions?

Arrow Down

Other than thinking about what you hope to accomplish by the end of the organizing process, there is nothing you need to do before our first meeting.